You could say that Faith has always been crazy about two things - design and making things happen. Even as a child, while recuperating from surgery, she passed the time by transforming a plain tissue box into a work of art with glue and magazine clippings. By the time she was feeling well, Faith had persuaded her parents to let her redesign her room. Encouraged by this success, she began seeing design opportunities everywhere, from bare walls to boring white tennis shoes.
As the Founder/President of Faith Monson, Success Consultant, Faith specializes in helping creative and design professionals develop successful promotional campaigns to raise their visibility in trade magazines and the news media. Monson takes the same approach with her clients that won her acclaim in the sales world: attention to detail, skillful positioning and an upbeat, can-do attitude.
Simply put, she makes people and businesses better by daring them to be great. In addition to design professionals, Faith Monson, Success Consultant works with entrepreneurs, retailers and sales-driven organizations to help them realize their potential for greatness.
Prior to opening Faith Monson, Success Coaching in 2006, Monson was the Northeast District Manager for Schumacher in Washington, D.C. and the DIA Mid-Atlantic Territory Sales Manager. By shifting the sales mentality from reactive to proactive, Faith had the first showroom in the country to have an inside sales rep with a commission incentive.
As the DIA Mid-Atlantic Territory Sales Manager, she opened a new space in the Washington, D.C. market and jump-started the business, increasing revenues by expanding DIA into the contract business. Soon, all their showrooms around the country followed this lead.
With more than 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, Monson has called on thousands of design firms throughout the U.S. Monson has worked with designers, studios, gift boutiques, large commercial firms and family-owned businesses, as well as theaters, restaurants, and the health and hospitality industry. Her experience gives her a unique perspective and enables her to develop exciting campaigns for new, growing, established and transitioning firms. 
